San Sebastian - Gipuzkoa combines a film tradition, contrasted with its undeniable landscape and architectural value, which, accompanied by sun, rain, wind or fog, creates a whole range of possibilities.

All of this, along with the audiovisual sector, turns our region into the ideal stage for any of your audiovisual productions. If you are looking for something different, please submit a request for a location.

Request for a location


Locations must submit at least 5 photographs and a maximum of 20.

  • Photographs must be taken using a digital camera.
  • In order to evaluate the potential of your property, the locators will need to have a general idea of the location, an overview. Think about taking photographs in which the space can be appreciated. Take exterior photographs from different angles.
  • To take photographs of the rooms you wish to show, take them from the corner of the room, during the day and with the lights switched on so there is good lighting. It is better not to use flash.
  • It is not necessary to photograph all of the rooms, just those that have something special and make them unique.
  • Do not include photographs of details (decoration, flowers, doors…) and try to ensure that the spaces are empty and without people.
  • Photographs should be of high quality:
    • Image width: from 1024 pixels.
    • JPG compression from 7 (70%).
    • Maximum weight per image: 2 Gbytes.


  • To make this directory a really useful and effective tool, we will contact you every 6 months to verify the details and that the location is still active. We will write to the contact e-mail you have provided. You just need to reply to the e-mail and confirm that everything is correct or inform us of any changes.
  • The first time that you fail to reply, the location will be hidden on the website.
  • The second time that you fail to respond, we will automatically withdraw the location.


  • How many days and how many hours will the production company be occupying the space?
  • Find out what will be filmed: ask them to describe the scenes in detail.
  • Will a group come to the location beforehand in order to prepare the space? When?
  • What is the total number of people involved in the production?
  • Do they need to use the space as a dressing room or to store material?
  • Where will the filming vehicles park?
  • Is extra power required for the lighting (generator) or will the property’s power be used?
  • Will there be any alterations to the property?
  • Where will the team eat?
  • What is the best access option for the team to come and go?
  • How long will it take for the space to back to its original state? The team should take photographs of the spaces that need to be modified so that everything can be put back in place afterwards.


  • You may add whatever clauses you may wish to the contract. Bear in mind that this will add to the negotiating time.
  • The agreement allows the production company to return if necessary on mutually agreed dates.
  • Let production companies know about any restrictions from the very first meeting.


  • Production companies must have an insurance policy that covers any damages to your property during filming. Ask them to show you it.
  • You will have X working days (depending on the contract, normally 5) from termination of filming to check that there are no damages and to draw up a “Damages Report”. Once this period has elapsed, the production company shall not be held liable.


  • It is your location, so you can stipulate the price that you consider appropriate: bear in mind the time that you will have to devote to it and the inconvenience that filming may cause. Even so, 3 types of payment are usually identified:
  • One for students and short films: the most economic and free transfer can even be considered (requesting a deposit prior to filming in the event that there are any damages).
  • Ne for TV series and feature films: intermediate price.
  • For advertising: the most expensive price.
  • You can always ask for the payment of a deposit that will be returned upon completion of filming.
  • Abusive prices may dissuade productions from filming in your location and this information may be spread among professionals.


  • It is always better to have a liaison between the location and the production company.
  • Be flexible and patient with the production companies. Changes in times and dates are common in filming activities.


Fill in the form

OPPORTUNITY Do you want to offer your premises for filming?

Any type of property/space could be a film location: modern, old, abandoned houses, buildings, shops, wineries, farms, stables, lifts, garages, etc. Tell us what you are offering by filling in the following form. (Additional Data Protection Information)

How to present your location (FAQ)


Fill in these details so that we can find out more about the exact location of the site.

Use this field to include a brief description of the space, referring to the period, its specific characteristics, anything that sets this space apart from other similar locations. In this way, search results will be more accurat