Filmography and series

San Sebastian and Gipuzkoa in general, have been the setting chosen by directors of great national and international prestige. The likes of Woody Allen to Gracia Querejeta, Julio Medem, Ana Díaz or Tim Dabinghaus have shot mythical films in our region, such as Papillon, Battle of Britain, The Red Squirrel, The Wound, Loreak, Handia…

Television production companies, such as HBO, Movistar, Antena 3, etc have also brought their teams to sites in our region to film Game of Thrones, Patria, La Zona, Invisible Line or Allí Abajo. You can find further information here.


Year: 2018
Project: Film
Director: Aritz Moreno
Producer: Señor y señora S.L.
Locations: Estación de Renfe San Sebastián, Avda. Sancho el Sabio, Plaza Pio XII, C/ Bengoetxea, Exterior Victoria Eugenia, C/ Mundaiz, C/ Urbieta, C/ Arroka, Plaza Easo, C/ Hernani, Cuartel de Loyola,Diputacion Foral de Gipuzkoa ( Edificio imprenta de Recalde ), Parque Erregenea, Irun ( Jaizubia), Lasarte, Parque Palacio Miramar, Hotel Londres, Pso. de la Concha, Pso. Salamanca, Usurbil.